

Dental Implant & Periodontal Specialists Reviews
6601 Mineral Point Road #101, Madison, WI 53705
4.9 / 5
based upon 539 reviews.
5 / 5
based upon 6 reviews.
Posted On: 11/16/2018 Awesome as usual, I actually look forward to having my teeth cleaned Gary G website Logo Google Review
Posted On: 11/09/2018 Dr. Joe goes above and beyond with follow-up after surgery. He is very skilled and I felt very secure with him as my doc. I also got a cleaning here and Colleen was wonderful and thorough! I liked her as a person and as a practitioner. Brenda B website Logo Google Review
Posted On: 11/07/2018 Thanking Dr Joe & staff for dealing with an unusual, urgent situation in such an efficient, thorough way. Less than 24 hours and I can feel the healingconfident that I am headed in the right direction. Lynn H website Logo Google Review
Posted On: 04/23/2018 I went here to see Dr. Joe for a tooth extraction at the recommendation of a friend. All the people I dealt with for my appointment were very kind and Dr Joe is very good at what he does.
FuelTron website Logo Google Review
Posted On: 02/20/2018 Dr Joe's expertise came highly recommended from my regular dentist after they couldn't help me any further as I needed a specialist. Since my surgery my jaw has healed and my sensitivity issues are long gone. Excellent and friendly staff as well. Thank you! Joel S website Logo Google Review
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